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Teknoparrot games - part 9001

Any chance you could upload Aliens Armageddon to your site if possible when your free please ? :D

already in my site ans it s possible you download this games


already in my site ans it s possible you download this games

 Found it cheers and thanks for all the hard work you do and love your site :D

@ViRuS-Man, would it be possible to have a link to your site in PM I guess ?

Many thanks and thank you for the work you do in collecting these games.

Hello @ViRuS-MaN62

There's a new game available.

Wonderland war

Do you have this new game in your site? I not found


Thank you


Hello @ViRuS-MaN62

There's a new game available.

Wonderland war

Do you have this new game in your site? I not found


Thank you

 allready in my site in the all net games and the 5.12 work well but very long time for charging the game in teknoparrot

DO you have

Dark Escape 4D, 

DeadStorm Pirates Special Edition and 

Razing Storm

i see already seen it

by the way i'll searching for the time to time for the update of TEKKEN 7 FR round 2 version 4.20

i hope you have un update for this,,,,,,,

thanks in advance if you have

i put 2 game namco system 357 but dont know it s for long time or not for the last i have but it s not for now to put need to wait

@ViRuS-MaN good morning,

your link for all net games is broken.

Is Opening the free box page.

Can you correct the link please?



Thanks for that 2 games and i hope many games will upload soon....

by the way is there a TEKKEN 7 fr round 2 version 4.20 floating around the web

do you have 1 of those update,,,, i really love tekken fighting game...

many many thanks and more powerful for your site......



@ViRuS-MaN good morning,

your link for all net games is broken.

Is Opening the free box page.

Can you correct the link please?



 the link are fixed already sorry for this beugs

Hello Virus-Man

Thanks for your dumped games for download, but the file number 8 of the game WORLD CLUB CHAMPION FOOTBALL FOOTISTA is not correct

Please, can you correct this?

Thanks again



 link fixed

Thx Virus Man!

Is there a way to add the namco 357 standalone games to launchbox?

Thank you very much

Thanks Vius-Man, you are THE BEST

Hello @ViRuS-MaN and @pacomix


Can you help about World Club Champoin Football?

The game starts with the file (WCCF-Win64-Shipping.exe)  but after starts, show me a message error 6501.

Is necessary to download the files in the misc link?


What is necessary to do to play this game?

Can you help me please?


Hello @ViRuS-MaN


The same question about winning eleven 14.

What is the file .exe to starts game? I didn't found it.


Can you help me please?

i dont play the soccer game because it s not me style of game sorry , for the systeme 357 i launch one time in my computer for make a ready to play buy i dont use launchbox sorry

Hello ricbalbi

Sorry, I'm still downloading the game...I havent' a premium account


Hi Virus-Man,


I downloaded the "Street Fighter V" from your site. but teknoparrot said "Unsupported Executable; New CRC: 8F7AE3C4!", it seems the old is incorrect.



Hi Virus-Man,


I downloaded the "Street Fighter V" from your site. but teknoparrot said "Unsupported Executable; New CRC: 8F7AE3C4!", it seems the old is incorrect.


 form teknoparrot you need to renamme the file StreetFighterV ori.exe to StreetFighterV.exe and it s ok because the other StreetFighterV.exe il s for launche the game with jconfig

Hello ViRuS-MaN,


just two quick questions:

1. Exist a TeknoParrot-dat file, i have some dumps floating around?

2. Maybe I'm too blind, but where can I find "your site"?


Thanks a lot



Hello ViRuS-MaN,


just two quick questions:

1. Exist a TeknoParrot-dat file, i have some dumps floating around?

2. Maybe I'm too blind, but where can I find "your site"?


Thanks a lot


 form teknoparrot dont have a dat

my site is here :

Hello @pacomix,


Can you help me to start the game?



Hello @ViRuS-MaN and @pacomix


Can you help about World Club Champoin Football?

The game starts with the file (WCCF-Win64-Shipping.exe)  but after starts, show me a message error 6501.

Is necessary to download the files in the misc link?


What is necessary to do to play this game?

Can you help me please?


in this game have the file amdaemon.exe it s not this file for launch this game ???

Hello ViRuS-MaN

The game doesn't starts with the amdaemon.exe file.

Starts only with the WCCF-Win64-Shipping.exe file.

But after starts, there's a message with (error 6501) and stop the game initialiazation 


So, i think that has any action to do before to solve this error message (error 6501)

Thanks for the Link...

The Rambo game has not executable file on the folder.


How can be loaded?



The forum keeps making posts

It's a Elf you load it with ramboD.elf in tp..

Having a Issue with SFV-Type Arcade. First it was saying the .exe CRC was incorrect, but I found that I had to go to the SFV-Binaries-Win64 Folder and use the SFV exe. But now I am getting.....

Failed to open descriptor file KiwiGame.uproject


How do I fix this?


It's a Elf you load it with ramboD.elf in tp.


The game doesn't boot it shows a black screen and another window says error,my video card is an AMD

After Burner Climax closes after executing the game.I did the AMD fix procedure but no results.


Anybody knows what's going on?

Hello @ViRuS-MaN62

Can you help me about Lethal Enforce 3?

The game does'nt start. Request all the time for a calibration gun that i already done!

I calibrated gun in the test menu, bust doesn't work

And I don't know  what to do to start game


Help me please

If i rememer right ...partition 1 or 2 works and if i am right it should ask to set the many games hard to remember...P

sorry Vman...just trying to help out....

game.exe is the file to run....and it's a patreon game for tp..(sie by side screen) or without tp you need the input file for it to work....LethalEnforcer_Inputs_v2.0 comes with the patched exe...single screen...for most...

Thanks @ReverseAffect

I set the clock and the full screen, but the game still doesn't work.

The problem is about calibration gun.

The screen is openning in the test mode but after calibrate the game doesn't start.

Very strange

is that running it with tp?

or the other way ith the patched loader? and inputs file?

Lethal enforcer 3 work well , you need to put free play for play this game

also tp just updated tp for Lethal Enforcers 3 for 1player mode(1 screen) 2 plaer mode (2screens(split scrren))..

Hello guys, about Letal Enforce 3

I put in free mode, and calibrate the gun, but the message is the same.


I attached and picture of the screen.

As a problem to reconisaze the gun calibration. There's a missing file?

Where a need to put the dll file?


lethal enforce.png110.9K4 views

you need to calibrate the player one and player two for play the game

Thanks guys

About Lethal Enforce 3

Problem solved (with the 2 players guns calibration).


Thanks a lot

Hello guys

About Winning Eleven 8 (patreon TP)

Do you know if the problem with controls (joystick) is already solved? because i tried last week and the controls didn't work.

Hello Guys

New game added this morning in TP. (Patreon), after new update system.

Elevator Action Invader

in my computer i dont see this game , and my TP are already updated

Hello @ViRus-MaN62,

I put a picture atached about the version TP and the new game

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