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PC-88 VA BIOS for 88VA Eternal Grafx

I just learned there are a few emulators for the PC-88 VA, the only 16-bit computer in the PC-88 series. It's a system (subsystem?) I've wanted to try for a while, but I can't find the proper BIOS files for the emulator 88VA Eternal Grafx. And it seems that my emulation options are either this emulator or its evolved versions, so...

Can anyone help?

Neo Kobe emulator pack.


Thank you! Actually, the BIOSes I was looking for are not that hard to find elsewhere... but the emu just shows a black screen when you start it, no welcome screen, no BASIC, nothing, so I assumed my BIOSes were wrong.

Anyway, your contribution might help other users with the same interests. Thank you again.

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