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Missing MAME ROMs

There are a few MAME ROMs that I am missing, one of which was from several updates ago, and for the death of me, I can't find them anywhere. Please help me. They are...







Again, please help me with getting them. Thank you.

 msx2_cart:megascsi2 and msx2_cart:megascsi4 are still coming up missing, but glad the other two are working, specially the first one, been driving me nuts for awhile with why I couldn't find it. Thank you for this!!!

They are all the same .....hmmmmm....I have not checked my SLthe 0.264 relase yet ..........



They are all the same .....hmmmmm....I have not checked my SLthe 0.264 relase yet ..........



OK, so just renamed them adding a 2 and a 4 at the end and it worked. Thank you!!!

After auditing my roms, it seems that I'm missing 1 after the update.

The download section doesn't seem to have this file nor does the Mega update.

Can anyone please help?



ColecoVision (NTSC) [folder: coleco - size: 16kb]
missing rom: colecoa.rom [size: 8192] [CRC32: 39bb16fc] [SHA1: 99ba9be24ada3e86e5c17aeecb7a2d68c5edfe59]

For which emulator is this? Found nothing with this SHA1 in official MAME 0.264

found it (old emulator you are using):

Thank you Mucci

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