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MAME 0.194 SL/CHD sooner requests - part 2

all the good rom websites have now been removed and closed down.. wont be long now and all will be lost forever... so any help would be most appreciated in finishing SL upto date before this website is no more cheers MUCCI for all your help and retro-roms for even exsisting as i would not have experience SL otherwise.....

fixDat_segacd.dat20.9K1 downloads
fixDat_psx.dat337.5K1 downloads
fixDat_fmtowns_cd.dat77.2K1 downloads
fixDat_ibm5170_cdrom.dat44.6K1 downloads

LOL, a 1 TB request.

all will be lost forever

Nope, it's already archived.

is pleasuredome the only place in which this archive is accesible ???? and are there only 2 people in here ??? one that has been helpfull and one who has been completely well how can i put it a pain in the arse :)

I'm still waiting for your contribution; so far all I see you do is request, leech and insult members.

oh whats wrong with ya its only a terra byte :)

the request isnt for the entire fix ...the request is for any help in fixing those which are missing so it becomes complete however big or small....and if there is a request i can forfill i would but at the moment mame 204 and SL 204 is the only thing i have collected so the request itself tells you how much of it i have done... if you see me as a leech then i guess thats what i am but if you look at every request whether its a single file or entire library then i guess we are all leeches like i say and mucci has been the biggest help and the only member i have offended is you which means i have only offended one member and your not being very helpfull but to go through life without offending someone is impossible even if it was unintended but still Pleasuredome was of no help to me as i say i dont understand port forwarding nor do i want to if you cant click on a torrent from utorrent i am not interested in any other clients so there we have it :) id like to wish RETROROMS and all its users including NOONE a MERRY chritmas and a happy NEW YEAR


i dont understand port forwarding nor do i want to
if you cant click on a torrent from utorrent i am not interested in any other clients

 So you want us to spend our time to upload 1 TB of CHDs for you but you don't want to spend your own time on learning simple stuff.

nope i am not requestiong 1 tb of chd files in one go i am asking the whole group collectively to partake in sharing parts which equate to 1tb its not quite the same thing i could have asked for the files one by one its the long way to go about it but i am sure thats how everyone else has done it but when someone starts from the begining its not an easy task like i say you may find port forwarding easy i cant get my head around it so give me a break :P

So you want us to spend our time to upload 1 TB of CHDs for you.

nope the request is for as much or as little as one can call it charity if you will  :) once done it will be torrented for all in its entirity mame 204 and SL 204 to make it easier for those users like myself  WHO DO NOT UNDERSTAND PORT FORWARDING !!! i think it stands right now at 2.4TB so once done if you say its 1TB then it will be 3.4TB in its completed form FOR ANYONE AND ALL


Port Forwarding - Simple and complete tutorial:

does pleasuredome have a monopoly on these files my quest was to do it without their help :) its a principle thing :P if this is as far as i get thats fine i will leave now bye :)

I would love to know what all the whining is about.
Bow down to Pleasure Dome then.

Rom Shepard got greedy and they not only dealt every Nintendo Rom known to man they started getting into Switch Games.
They were busted and that's that.

What really gets me was Mad Dog throwing everything onto 1fichier account where you have to play or go through draconian measures to get what used to be freely passed among collectors and those wanting to keep history alive.

So, instead of boo hoo'ing all day long feel free to go back to Usenet, The Internet Archive or Torrenting.
There are still several major sites still open especially in a country where they tell Big N to shove it.


Maybe if you beg hard enough Terra Cresta will allow you on his private tracker.


All of this is their own fault so now all we have is make the best of it.


BTW, Whomever started uploading to Usenet please continue what you are doing.

At least you have a pair and care about the future of preservation.
I just picked up ExoDos v3.11, all of Mame 2.04,
Several COMPLETE sets of Redump ISO's and ScummVM v2.0


BTW...This is what you get when you voted for the Obama.
He appointed judges that said the hell with the constitution and due process.
All of this was settled law and Nintendo shopped until they found a judge on the 9th circuit to grant an injunction that started the land slide.

Once you open the door it makes case law to bring up in future cases.

I bet you never knew about this until now.

Next time stop trying to be an SJW because it doesn't pay in the end.

nah i dont wanna bow down to pleasure dome i want the leechers in here to share some files so i can leech off them lol


i will leave now bye :)



I would love to know what all the whining is about.
Bow down to Pleasure Dome then.

 He can't; he got banned on PD. I wonder why.


They don't ban for not configuring port forwarding; they ban for leeching too much.

Besides, you said a couple replies ago that you were going to leave.


nope changed my mind i aint leaving until i get the last word :) cos your making shit up ....they did ban me cos i wasnt port forwarding i downloded rollback chads seeded for a couple of weeks then the banned me due to not knowing how to port forward simple as :P besides why should i port forward leaves your computer open to threats right ?

I do not know how your level of knowledge is about generally moving on the internet and not being a victim right away.

Basically you need a firewall, a virus killer and the minimum of intelligence to know how to use them.
Setting up a router is the most banal thing you need to surf.
Enough instructions and tutorials are available in the hole www.

Nothing is free. Either you have to share reasonable or pay for it.
There are also dealers out there who sell a 5TB hard drive with all the stuff you need, without the stress to search, download
and share. Google it and you will find it.

Having the last word here only shows that you are only willing to take but not willing to give anything.

In this sense (and this is the worst case), no good feature. That's all.


i aint leaving until i get the last word

Congrats on proving again that you're only interested in getting something for yourself without considering others.


i disagree

please can we stop this conversation?

This may be a bit of a fruitless point to post on a dead thread. But the MEGA link is dead. Any SL/CHD link to MEGA from 0.194 and earlier are taken down. I doubt this will help at all. But just wanted to point that out. If there is an alt link or whatever(cough Archive cough), then maybe that'd work. But if nah, then it's okay.

Pleasuredome has a full set.

Can't use PD. Craplisted.

Whose fault is that?

1) Mine

2) Can you not be so condescending and rude when replying?

3) Sorry for wasting yours and everyone else's time.

Sorry I hurt your feelings.

My feelings aren't hurt. But you sure show signs of someone whose attitude brings out of the worst in them. Loggan, Chadmaster, & a few others that come to mind were never like you have been, noone. And I appreciate their input and time they've put into helping people in these forums out whenever they can. Even if it was a curious question, they took the time to respond whether it was helpful or leaning on an MIA report. Call it what you will, but I am not gonna bare hatred on someone such as yourself and will not respond on this part of the forum no longer.

Have a great life, noone.

There isn't a member called Chadmaster on this forum.

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