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HBMAME 0.245.15 ROMs sooner

I have created a web folder for the updates

Don't search/post here for stuff that is already added to 0.245.14 or earlier!

Street Fighter Zero 3 Mix version 2.2 recently came out!!! Maybe we can see it on hbmame.

Please, anyone could post a working renamed/good version of the sfz3mix_l samples for hbmame 245.15?

Thanks in advance.

Please, missing sfz3mix_l samples for hbmame 245.15, Thanks.

Check here

It has for previous version. I don't know if it will work for the new version.

I've tried, daffyduck, but there are a lot of missing and wrong renamed files. I attach the Clrmamepro .dat file.

fix_HBMame.dat3.5K2 downloads

You know that those DAT-Files are useless as Samples has no crc/md5 information.

 You can take whatever samples you have and name it like those you are missing.....

 BTW check also this topic about "samples" for hbmame

I have not checked it myself .......hmmmm.....but yeah samples are not easy as I have already mentioned, they have beside the "name" no further information.

missing sfz3mix_l sampleparent

Robert: The official (but incomplete) package is at

but you'll need to do some renaming. The filenames for this release should be lsample and rsamples.

In the next release they have been changed to sfz3mix_l and sfz3mix_r. (Posted in the HBMAME 0.245.14 thread)

Maybe it is incomplete. not sure. 

Is this for real!!!

Whoever made this sure loves 80's elevator music!!!

I have tried to update the HBMAME sample-folder, yes it complains about missing samples for sfz3mix.....maybe someone else has a better set?

I have not checked the game if it does work or not. As I have mentioned before you can add whatever wav you have and name it the same as your missing. It can not be verified if it is the right one or not. Only the name is checked if it is there or not ......

Hi Mucci. Well, the game works, but according to clrmamepro, there's a lot of missing samples. I think we'll have to wait for a full sample set.

Thank you

I have tried to update the HBMAME sample-folder, yes it complains about missing samples for sfz3mix.....maybe someone else has a better set?

I have not checked the game if it does work or not. As I have mentioned before you can add whatever wav you have and name it the same as your missing. It can not be verified if it is the right one or not. Only the name is checked if it is there or not ......


Street Fighter Zero 3 Mix version 0.26 recently came out!!! Maybe we can see it on hbmame!


Street Fighter Zero 3 Mix version 0.26 recently came out!!! Maybe we can see it on hbmame!


Yes you will, it has been added to the next release which will be later this month.


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