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progetto-SNAPs 0.258 update!

Ready (albeit a few days late) the MAME 0.258 update of "MAME progetto-SNAPS".

• Also in this release, but this time in the "Titles" category, there are about 21,000 png replaced to permanently delete files with identical CRC/SHA. The same operation performed also in other resource categories ("Manuals" and "VideoSnaps").

• In the "Icons" resources I removed all the icons related to the devices: they were all the same and furthermore no frontend shows them, so they are useless.

• This update does not include the "Bosses" and "Ends" snapshot categories;  unfortunately the site that supported and helped me will no longer be updated (MAMEnds), so updates regarding the endings and end-of-level bosses will be more sporadic.

• This month I also update the "Artworks Alternate" category thanks to the excellent work of DarthMarino (whom I thank very much).

• The next update is scheduled for Sunday, November 19, 2023 (v0.260).


22,513 snaps and 807, icons, pictures, pdf, mp4 and zips downloadable here:


• Artworks:

• Artworks:

• Devices:

• Icons:

• Manuals (MAME):

• Manuals (MAME):

• Snapshots (Arcade):

• Snapshots (MAME):

• Snapshots (Software):

• Videosnaps (MAME):

• Videosnaps (MAME):



Snapshots update:


ArtPreview: 25 new & 1 upd (tot. 4,125 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 5.70Mb

GameOver: 60 new & 1 upd (tot. 9,135 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 2.40Mb

HowTo: 15 new (tot. 2,290 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 329Kb

Logo: 40 new & 2 upd (tot. 3,665 UPDATE 1 pack, 677Kb

Scores: 50 new & 2 upd (tot. 8,300 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 3.30Mb

Select: 30 new & 1 upd (tot. 5,505 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 1.63Mb

Snap: 6 del, 210 new & 39 upd (tot. 46,065 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 14.1Mb

Snap  Arcade: 620 del & 93 new (tot. 11,488 png) FullREPACK 1 pack, 303Mb

Snap Software: 1 upd (tot. 44,632 png) UPDATE

Titles: 4 del, 210 new & 21,779 upd (tot. 46,065 png) UPDATE & fullREPACK 1 pack, 10.1Mb

Titles Arcade: 650 del & 93 new (tot. 11,488 png) fullREPACK 1 pack, 206Mb

Titles Software: 3 upd (tot. 42,213 png) UPDATE

Versus: 2 new (tot. 1,289 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 81.2Kb

Warning: 20 new (tot. 1,790 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 325Kb



Other resources update:


Artworks (Alternate) [3]: 42 new & 87 upd (tot. 335 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 1.62Gb

Devices: 11 del, 11 new & 9 upd (tot. 2,025 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 8.35Mb

Icons Extended [1]: 5,748 del, 598 new & 4 upd (tot. 33,650 ico) UPDATE 1 pack, 1.84Mb

Manuals (MAME): 4 del & 29 new (tot. 2,925 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 85.7Mb

VideoSnaps textsize=1][2]: 4 del, 4 new & 22 upd (tot. 6,300 mp4) UPDATE 1 pack, 70.9Mb



Software's resource update:


- amigaaga_flop_titles (1 upd png) UPDATE!

- amigaocs_flop (1 upd png) UPDATE!

- cd32_titles (1 upd png) UPDATE!

- gba (1 ren) [textcolor=blue]ONLY DAT

- segacd_titles (1 upd png) UPDATE!





[1]: Thanks to agard for donating some great Icons.

[2]: Thanks to motoschifo for converting VideoSnaps to mp4.

[3]: Thanks to DarthMarino.



If you want to support my work, you can make small donations via

The list (short...) of those who have made donations is visible in my thanks page,

Thank you AntoPISA!  much appreciated

HI my friend!

Why when trying to scan the icons pack, clrmame takes AGES to complete it?

Just trying to rebuild the icons pack from scratch just now and it is stucked in the main .zip package (decompressed here) about more than 40 minutes and still locked on "testing unneeded"....

Maybe it's because I deleted more than 5,000 icons since the previous release?...


Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

Also mame 0.258 32bit binary is online and can be downloaded but the link is not displayed (it says coming soon)

And mess is still 0.257

Hi, thank you for this amazing work laughing

I am missing some images and hoping someone may be able to help?

I have attached the fix dats.

Otherwise, is there a place where I can download the individual files?

@ retrotastic

For you.


artpreview.zip5.3M8 downloads
howto.zip607.7K6 downloads
logo.zip205.3K6 downloads

Thank you very much @Claudio laughing

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