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clrmamepro - remove 'not working' / 'unwanted' ?

Recently i'm tryed to 'fix' my personal mame 0.256 roms collection and there's a lot of confusion at complete of scanner result........ look at the picture here:


It's a lot of games..... all require his specific CHD files but all of this games it's reported as "NOT WORKING" and it's my desire to preserve a lot of space on my HDD.
How i can remove this games from my collection ?

I have tryed to remove some files .zip like this example on picture. from my 'Roms' folder i removed "" but when i use the scanner whit all fix enabled this 'partial' zip files has been recreated on my 'Roms' folder and this same games reappears on scanner result.


how can i solve this situation?


Thanks for any suggestion........



Problably a full size of my screenshot can be found here:


Also here...... problably i have created a paste information about all games request CHD:


How i can remove (or possibly hide) from scanner result all this title ?