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clrmamepro - misplaced romset error

Hi I received the following error from clrmamepro:

misplaced romset: H:\Arcade\MAME\MAME__contains_emulator\MAME\roms\gtfrk10ma (move to a rompath)


The ROM is in the same location as all the other ROMs; so I wondered if anyone had any ideas as to the cause?

I have an almost complete 0255 set (just missing some CHDs).

On the "Scanner" page, click on the "Advanced" option.  Is "Allow CHD in ROMpath Root" checked or unchecked?  If so, uncheck it and run the scanner again with all "Fix" options checked.

Thanks very much for the help smile

It turned out there was CHD in a folder titled gtfrk10ma that was also in a folder titled gtfrk10m.
clrmamepro was trying to move the file contained inside the into the gtfrk10ma folder but as this contained the conflicting CHD it was having trouble. I manually moved the files around to fix it.

But I hadn't seen that Advanced option in clrmamepro before.
So I could move all of my CHDs into the root ROMs directory (instead of their individual folders), and I suppose it would eliminate this happening again?


If you already have the correct CHD file in the correct folder and you place the exact same CHD file in the root, you'll run into an issue since there's already a correct file "in the way" in the folder.  But if you download a bunch of CHD files and you don't know specifically which folder they belong to, toss them in the ROMS folder and clrmamepro will move them automatically to the correct CHD folders.  

Aha, thanks again laughing