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Updating MAME

I have a question about updating MAME to a newer version.

I have the 0.220 split version of MAME and im not using it (yet). If i download the updates from 0.220 to the most recent 0.223 do i have to use software like CMP to do the update or can i just drag the roms from the 0.221-0.223 updates inside my 0.220 version?

Thanks for the help.

in the update-folder are only added stuff. They are not complete sets and yes you have to use a ROMManager to build your set with the help of this update-folders yourself.

Thanks for the reply Mucci. 

I know that the update folders are not complete sets but when you say that is just added stuff are you saying that they are new roms/chds/sls or they can be the same roms/chds/sls from previous updates but with some kind of modifications?


Thanks again.

They are new roms/chds/sls.

When a new MAME version is released, some files that are in the ZIP files may move to different ZIP files.  The use of a ROM manager is need to place these existing files as well as placing the files that you had downloaded for the update sets into the correct ZIP files for your new MAME version,

I see, that makes sense!

Thanks a lot for the info zxycba!


I recommend you to get Retroarch and just update the core once in a while, and when you update the core play a game that is not updated a lot (Donkey Kong for example), take note of the current version and then just go here and get the ROMs from /currentroms/