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Say hi!

Dudes!! I don't know if you realize it, but RetroROMs (the proper spelling, BTW) is a totally classic site that's been around, in one form or another, for nearly as long as arcade emulation itself.

I'm finally returning after a long absence. I'm one of these gray-bearded peeps who goes way back to the earliest emu days, working with Nicola S. to develop the first English MAME documentation. So seeing RR still perking merrily away here—well, it's pretty special.

You visit the forum when you're looking for ROMs and other files, or you need help, or you want to share the latest ROM manager... But maybe you wouldn't mind taking a moment to say hi to your fellow arcade-heads. Gaming's swell, but we're people too, right?

Cheers, Zeppy


@Zeppy: Glad to have you back. enjoy your stay :-)
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