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ARMAX MAME Dat 0.254

MAME模拟器0.250版本之前,可以通过修改mame.ini中bios行数为16,以保证MAME模拟器在运行neogeo游戏时总是打开universe-bios 4.0;但是从版本更新到0.251,一直到今天的0.254,这种方法都不再起作用了,希望有人知道这件事,如果能解决就更好了

English, please.

Prior to version 0.250 of the MAME emulator, it was possible to change the bios line number in mame.ini to 16 and open the skip BIOS selection menu to ensure that the MAME emulator always opened universe bios 4.0 when running neogeo games; But from version update to 0.251, until today's 0.254, this method no longer works. I hope someone knows about this matter, and it would be even better if it could be resolved

Don't use mame.ini - use neogeo.ini instead.

Create the new file with just one line:

bios 16


Thank you very much for your answer. I will try the method you provided as soon as possible!

This is no different from my previous method. Each time the emulator is opened, it is only valid once. The second run will no longer follow the configuration file 16, unless the exe file is closed

You're right - looks like yet another bug in MAME.

But there's another workaround.

After the first game, don't press Esc to return to the menu - instead press Tab and Select New System.


I got it


Thanks for your help.

Or use an external frontend like EmuLoader (still works), MXUI, QMC2, LaunchBox, GameEX, MAME Classic, IV/Play, etc. etc.