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Mame .185 samples

Hi, can anyone tell me where I can download acomplete set of mame .185 samples? Having a very hard time find this. I can only find single game download samples for some reason. When I try and run cmpro it keeps wanting to know where the samples folder is but there is nothing in the mame smples root folder.

Thank you!

Try in progetto snaps, last time I downloaded them separately, but I think they gave you the option to download the entire set.

Retro Danuart Youtube

got'em thank you. According to clrmame I am missing set "s97271p". I haven't used clrmame in a while but I thought it would make some sort of file so that I could upload the missing rom list and then someone could download this into their clrmame and then it would pick out the missing roms upload the roms back to me so that I could just update the missing sets.

I believe this is probably still the case but not sure how to go about doing that. I will create a new topic for this.

MAME samples can also be found at BDA ;-)

Mucci, I went there and checked again but I just don't see it listed still

It depends on how you have sorted your roms/samples ;-)

<machine name="s97271p" sourcefile="src/mame/audio/vicdual-97271p.cpp" isdevice="yes" runnable="no" sampleof="nsub">



well I've placed the into the samples directory but...

N-Sub Oscillator 97271-P [folder: s97271p - sampleparent: nsub - size: 0]

missing device: N-Sub Oscillator 97271-P

missing sample: SND_BOAT

missing sample: SND_BONUS0

missing sample: SND_BONUS1

missing sample: SND_CODE

missing sample: SND_EXPL_L0

missing sample: SND_EXPL_L1

missing sample: SND_EXPL_S0

missing sample: SND_EXPL_S1

missing sample: SND_LAUNCH0

missing sample: SND_LAUNCH1

missing sample: SND_SONAR

missing sample: SND_WARNING0

missing sample: SND_WARNING1

I cannot seem to find the s97271p device anywhere...I have downloaded both the .185 and .186 bios-devices collection but this device is nowhere to be found...

any ideas???

hmm capital letters? Try again with

nsub.txt3.2K9 downloads

well...thought that capital letters was odd as well and found the sample without them but clrmame wants them capital and insisted to rename the files...and the same outcome...

Since you're already using a rom manager posting a fixdat would make it a lot easier for us to see what you are missing.

try this one



here ya go...

fix_v186.dat1K6 downloads


try this one



  Tried that...rebuilt the set with the attached zip...told me that it has injected 4 files but a new scan didn't change anything...

hmmm samples doesn't have CRC/SHa1 -> useless fix-dat

machine name="s97271p" sourcefile="src/mame/audio/vicdual-97271p.cpp" isdevice="yes" runnable="no" sampleof="nsub"


copy samples/ samples/

fixed it with this didn't exist (I think) in the 186 set....


and the nsub sample with capital letters

nsub.zip12.4K31 downloads


fixed it with this didn't exist (I think) in the 186 set....


and the nsub sample with capital letters existed in the 186 set but I think with missing roms...


hmmm samples doesn't have CRC/SHa1 -> useless fix-dat

 The fixdat would show which sample is missing.

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