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Single broken file in FBA?

From the FBA section, I am having trouble with Rampage: World Tour (rev 1.1) [folder: rmpgwt11 - parent: rmpgwt - size: 21mb] in ClrMamePro (non-merged)


My ROM manager consistnely things that 465 Rampage WT.u64 [size: 65545] [CRC32: 5c14d850] is missing, no matter how many times I rebuild scan and download. Every single other ROM is there. I am comlpetely lost. Can someone help me?

fix_new.dat750B2 downloads

Where did you get your dat from?
Because the size of the rom is incorrect (65545 instead of 4105), the crc32 is ok.

465 Rampage WT.u644K3 downloads

Created it myself from the latest FBA binary.


fba64 -listinfo > fba.xml

Also, I have the same problem with this DAT:

There is an error in this dat-file -> size is 4105 not  65545

Maybe clrmamepro is caching something...


Clearing the cache doesnt do anything, and neither does deleting and recreating the db

It's a known issue in FBA v0.2.97.42, there's a typo in the code that makes it create a wrong dat-file.
There's nothing you can do in CLRMamepro to fix that.

4105 DEC = 0x1009 HEX

65545 DEC = 0x10009 HEX

So is my best option to manually edit the DAT in a text editor?

Your best option is to not care that CLRMamepro shows your set as incomplete.

yes sure you can edit your dat-file and correct that entry -> if you like a "green" in your CLRMAMEPro scan ;-)