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FBA Shuffle v2.4.0 (2020/03/07)

Missing some sets.

Oriental Legend Special / Xi Xing Ping Yao Ji - Da Sheng Gui Lai (hack of Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super) [bootleg] [system: PGM (Polygame Master) System BIOS [BIOS only] - folder: oldsdsgl - parent: olds - size: 60mb]

missing rom: dsgl_prg.rom [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 9c7e0f7f]

Oriental Legend Special Plus / Xi You Shi E Zhuan - Qun Mo Luan Wu (new revision, ver. 208, hack) [bootleg] [system: PGM (Polygame Master) System BIOS [BIOS only] - folder: oldsplusnr - parent: oldsplus - size: 68mb]

missing rom: p05301n_v208.rom [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 8a3e4b60]


Thanks. laughing

here it is.

Chiquita.zip3M48 downloads

Thank you! laughing

I'm missing this one rom. The King of Fighters '99 Anniversary Edition (hack) [system: Neo-Geo [BIOS only] - folder: kof99ae - parent: kof99 - size: 123mb] missing rom: 152-p2ae.p2 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: f3f47f41] Please help, Thanks

here you go

152-p2ae.zip1.2M37 downloads

Awesome. Thanks @

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