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Did Not Connect: Potential Security Issue on BDA?.

Hi Guys, I keep getting a "Did Not Connect: Potential Security Issue" message from my browsers, either Edge or Firefox, no way past it either, so can't download off the BDA. Thanks for any help.

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I'm getting a similar error:

ERROR: cannot verify's certificate, issued by ‘CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3,O=Let's Encrypt,C=US’:  Issued certificate has expired.


I was able to download using wget with the --no-check-certificate option.

Same here.... go this message.


Did Not Connect: Potential Security Issue

Firefox detected an issue and did not continue to The website is either misconfigured or your computer clock is set to the wrong time.

It’s likely the website’s certificate is expired, which prevents Firefox from connecting securely. If you visit this site, attackers could try to steal information like your passwords, emails, or credit card details.

What can you do about it?

Your computer clock is set to 2/24/2020. Make sure your computer is set to the correct date, time, and time zone in your system settings, and then refresh

If your clock is already set to the right time, the website is likely misconfigured, and there is nothing you can do to resolve the issue. You can notify the website’s administrator about the problem.

For firefox:

Go to  Options/Privacy & Security/View Certificates/Servers/Add Exception/

In Location put

Press Get Certificate then Confirm Security Exception.

Done cool

I have given it to czokie, thanks for reporting it -> fixed, thanks czokie

I won't bore you with the details - but essentially, the certificate was renewed - but the process that runs the BDA does not auto restart on certificate renew. This will happen every 8 weeks or so. In future however, I will fix it faster. I have added a monitor that will detect BDA issues and alert me to allow faster response.


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